Classroom/Virtual Course

Human activities—such as processing raw materials—can lead to a higher concentration of naturally-occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Special precautions for handling, storing, transporting, and disposal must be taken to limit excess radiation exposure. Join us in this awareness course as we guide you through where NORM can be found, what to look for, the hazards involved, and the precautions to take. Our NORM Awareness course is designed for users who may be exposed to NORM and includes information on what NORM is and where it comes from, radiation exposures (natural and artificial), hazards (internal and external), the biological effects of radiation, protective measures and controls, dose limit categories, and exposure rates as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). 

Training (4 hours)

This course is available upon request. We can deliver the training at your office location, at a Croix Ability Services office, or in a virtual classroom. For further details and pricing, please contact us.